How organic fertilizer helps Saline Soil?

        Saline soils have a poor soil structure and a low infiltration capacity, microbial decomposition of organic fertilizer through the conversion of humic acid, improve land capacity, reducing alkaline and stimulate crop growth, enforcing salt resistibility, improve aggregate structure, increase permeability and reduce the rate of return of salt, neutralizing (microbial decomposition process produces a high level amount of organic acids) can accelerate the decomposition of nutrients, facilitating nutrient conversion, improve the effectiveness of phosphorus.

Harmfulness to the soil to use unfinished compost
(Win Galore Organic Fertilizer is your solution)

        1. Unfinished compost ferments with crop generating heat which affect the root growth
        2. Contains large amount of germs, bacteria, eggs of insects that crops vulnerable to pest damage
        3. Unfinished compost of livestock manure with the presence of uric acid or urate, crops will not be able
            to absorb the nutrients from soil.

Organic fertilizers benefits paddy field

        Not merely direct providing rich variety of nutrients to paddy field, part of the organic matter taken a role in the microbial decomposition process, synthetic soil humus to form humification. Synthetic soil humus, which improve soil physical properties and structure, increasing the quantity and quality of soil colloids, improve soil fertility. In addition, the organic matter decomposition process can also be part of the paddy soil delayed effectiveness phosphorus, potassium activation, and promote the growth of rice to produce a variety of physiologically active substances and vitamins B and auxin.

Efficient use of organic fertilizer in fruit trees and tea trees

        Efficient use of Organic Fertilizer makes fruit trees and tea trees having strong potential to prevent falling, drop, and enhance resistance to pest damage. Favorable fruit color, bright, fructose increases and improves quality and output. Productivity raised ranges 15-30%. Hence, continuous fertilizing helps to eliminate the effect of biennial bearing, secure harvesting.

Organic fertilizer helps trellis crop to defense cold weather

        Slow release, purify environment and reduce pollution. In the process of releasing organic fertilizer nutrients, steadily release of nutrients warming soil temperatures, plant roots generally are most active in warm soil and slow release fertilizer will make fertilizer available as soon as the plants needs them, avoiding rapid change in soil temperature. Cultivate the soil before top-dressing, control the underground water evaporates moisture and heat.